INSTANTLY RAISE YOUR VIBRATION - 5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration To Attract What You Want In Life

5 Steps To Change Your Manifestation Frequency 

5 Steps or five different activities you can do and change your frequency. Sometimes, you have to do one or two things to change your frequency. Are you ready to learn and understand it deserves a simple something? You have to remember that this can change your frequency.

INSTANTLY RAISE YOUR VIBRATION - 5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration To Attract What You Want In Life

No.1 Way To Change Your Feeling

Number one thing that you always have to do when you realize that you are feeling low starting to listen to your thoughts. What is going inside of you whenever you feel sad or unhappy or stressful anxiety? You are thinking something you are focusing on something. First, you have to know that what am I focusing and hundred percent I'm focusing on somebody went weather from your life or someone else life, something negative, some negative new some adverse events something or something or you are worried about something in the future like what if something won't work would work out okay I have that Presentation tomorrow, or I will interview tomorrow day f he weathers in ou are things in thinking about something from past or present or future your focus is on something negative the wrong radio station I need to change it then you change the song and then you realized I don't like this song I need to change it listen what is going inside of you that is the first step.

INSTANTLY RAISE YOUR VIBRATION - 5 Ways To Raise Your Vibration To Attract What You Want In Life

No.2 Way of Changing Your Frequency 

Now the 2 step is inhale and exhale breathe deeply and slowly for some time for a minute or so because it is scientifically different processes like yoga pranayama pranayama and now thanks thanks has also proven the frequency of breathing a ur hout a atever thing that is everything that is happening between us because when we are reading what we are doing reading what we are doing we are inhaling oxygen that is going into a long time long time so the amount of oxygen that you were breathing breathing create massive change immediately near physiology and that is why I don't like when you are very angry or very stressful are anxious you breathe very fast and hypertension a tall is Jesus at all these issues in inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly you feel a lot more, peaceful more, peaceful so that's why when you do be breathing you think a lot more, more than ever before before before that's the team so one of the way to first when you listen to in the hone st day of the day of you know that you are tuned up with the wrong station now you inhale and exhale slowly you stop the frequency and you stop there and you were to become smooth getting into the peaceful State

No.3 Way To Change Manifestation Frequency

Now the third thing that you can do is do something that you love. Yes, do something that you love, and whenever you do you enjoy this thing it can be listening to a positive or inspiring song, or it can be drawing something if you're your artistic painting something doing something or maybe if you have a garden or you have some plants that you home you can go and do a little bit of work with them because those of you who have plans you love it or take a walk outside your home, or you can go the somewhere nearby park or something is there all these days we are on lockdown so you can walk around at your house put on some music that so you do something that you love and that always make you feel positive or happy so you can be anything that gives you some real happy feeling happy happy happy for me that running away from one thing to another it's not like that it will not be like kind of activity of escaping .its real joy. 

No.3 Way To Change Manifestation Frequency

No.4 Activity That You Can Do

Four parts meditated. you can do the third part and directly come to the fourth, and you can meditate meditating meditate in just 10 minutes ago will change the frequency it will take you to a 20lb supposed to be it will give you a lot more positivity about your dreams goals in a lot of positive and feet people do I need to do our program and in the 21 days in your heart meditation program we have just meditation for 10 to 12 minutes, and in that 10 to 12 minutes people a tremendous change in the frequency and vibration manifest faster meditate for 10 12 minutes, and it will bring a significant difference in your manifestation process mostly if you continuously stay low vibration make it a habit of start doing meditation daily

No.5 Point Take A Nap To Reset Your Frequency

The fifth one is taking a nap yes and remembering the most important biological need of this body when we sleep. The body charges recharge self. The body recreates itself. Most importantly, for an electrician for restoring and playing, you cannot do anything to take a nap or sleep for a while. You will feel a lot better the five things you have to do to change the frequency change the song that is going inside your head into a much more positive, peaceful.

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