Are You Feeling Lost? - Read This Inspirational Story on Happiness and Love | Lost The Needle

 Inspirational Story

Today i want to tell you a story long time back in an astronomy or a monastery a student came back from a vacation and the student was very upset so the master or the guru when he looked at the student he thought something is wrong he called for the student and asked him what is the matter the student said i spent some time at home i met all my family members i met all my friends i even met the girl i love but no one is loving me no one has any love for me.

Are You Feeling Lost - Read This Inspirational Story on Happiness and Love  Lost The Needle

 i'm so sad i'm so unhappy and so disturbed my life seems meaningless he said i don't know what should i do the teacher said nothing that evening the student was roaming inside the campus and he found the teacher looking for something outside his quarter and the teacher was looking something on the road in front of his quarter and the student thought teacher his guru must be searching for something he need to help him so the student went close to him and asked the guru have you lost anything can i help you the guru said yes of course so the student asked him like what have you lost the guru said i have lost my needle and he was busy searching the guru so the student also joined them they keep on searching for an hour or so and they didn't find the needle that's when the student got tired and asked the guru where have you lost this needle do you remember where you have lost that needle because better we should look at the exact place maybe we can find it the guru said of course i know where i lost the needle the student wait for him the guru said i lost the needle near my bed and the student was surprised he thought the master must have gone mad or what is this trick he asked him back said guru you lost the needle near your bed inside your water and you are searching here on the road so guru said yes of course because it's dark inside my quarter there is no oil in the lamp so here little light is there it's full moon so the light is on the road so better we should look for the needle here and he asked the student that don't waste any time help me find the needle 

Are You Feeling Lost - Read This Inspirational Story on Happiness and Love  Lost The Needle

let's search for it and the student was really amused and surprised and he thought his guru was fine but now what has happened so he could not control himself he laughed and he felt amused and then finally he said but guru you have lost the needle inside your quarter better i should get a lamp or we should wait until tomorrow morning so that we can search for it and the light will be there and then the guru smiled and looked at the student face and the student thought there is something guru had in his mind so that's when the guru said this is what i wanted you to understand so many times you lost something somewhere inside but you keep searching for it on the outside and that's when the student realized why is wise master why the enlightened guru who was doing this for him that's when the guru told him that you are looking for love appreciation from everyone but if you are not getting it from anyone it means you have already lost it inside you you have already lost it inside you first light up a lamp inside find that love inside find that love.

Are You Feeling Lost - Read This Inspirational Story on Happiness and Love  Lost The Needle love find

 and when you will be in love when you see that light within you then everyone around you everyone that you are seeking love from everyone can see that light in you and then you don't have to make any effort you don't have to put any effort but you will start receiving it from everyone.

Life-Changing Wisdom To Remember

So he said most of the time people make this mistake they are not happy within and they are looking for the happiness somewhere else they are not loving themselves but they are looking for the love somewhere else they are not working on themselves they are not improving themselves they are not working on their own path and they are looking for other people to help them appreciate them guide them and make them successful this is the biggest mistake many people do but the people who are successful people who are enlightened people who are on any path and moving forward they learn this lesson at some point in life.

Life-Changing Wisdom To Remember

First they look inside they light up the lamp inside and they find the happiness love joy success strength first inside and then they go out in the world and when they have all these things inside they don't have to look for anything from anyone and that's when everyone can see that light within them and everyone start recognizing it so that day the student learned the lesson and that's what i want all of you to learn.

The Most Important Key To Happiness

If you are looking for happiness somewhere else if you are looking for enjoyment from someone if you are looking for love from someone, and because you are not receiving that love that supports that appreciation that joy from other people made me from your partner may be from your friends made me from your family members then my friend it's time for you to look within first find it within and then you will find it. I hope this story is an eye-opener for you. This story has inspired you to think, and I want you to remember that you have an abundance of love, joy, happiness, and potential of success within you. Start recognizing it start believing in yourself, and you will have unlimited success, happiness, and joy in your life if this story has inspired you if this story is an eye-opener for you, do share it with someone you care and like it thank you thank you thank you

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