✅ MAGIC POWER of 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep - Law of Attraction Sleep Technique

How Subconscious Mind Works

When it's come to Law of Attraction this is the process this is the you the framework process but how you were working how you were sending this vibration to the universe how you are doing it true you subconscious mind yes we had this conscious mind this conscious state when we are doing everything like right now I am talking to you guys you are listening to me you are holding you or maybe you are holding your cup of coffee you are sitting somewhere all these things are happening so you are conscious about that you are watching ages video right this moment but every time I am saying something or every time you are listening to me something else is going inside some deeper process is going on something is going on maybe there is a voice within you which is telling you that oh I'm so happy that Asia has made this video after a long time for someone else who may be watching my content for the first time he must be thinking or she must be thinking who is this guy he makes sense he is talking something interesting let me work more of his video someone else might be thinking that okay where was easy all this while when I am talking this this is going inside your head where that is happening that is inside your subconscious mind if anything like that happening let me know in the comment section.

✅ MAGIC POWER of 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep - Law of Attraction Sleep Technique

Law of Attraction and Subconscious Mind Connection

Now this subconscious mind that we have is the bond or the bridge between us and the universe we and the manifestation we and that higher power which is helping and guiding us which is manifesting it for us no only if we could able to implant something inside the subconscious mind then that subconscious might process it and then deliver it to the universe or that higher power of the higher system God universe whatever that name you have on whatever you believe in that system deliver there so the soft 

5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep (Most Important Time)

Conscious mind is the processing now when the subconscious mind working 24/7 like a machine or a system but during the day our subconscious mind also keep getting distracted because so many things are happening but there is one time when they receive whatever you are thinking and focusing and that is at the ninth before going to see it yes that is why I have said again and again in my earlier videos that the most important time in the day is the five minutes before you go to sleep that is the worst important time before you go to sleep because that is when you are slowly closing shutting down your conscious mind or conscious self and your subconscious mind is becoming a lot more recipient lot more energized lot more active so whatever you are feeding your subconscious mind in that last five minutes is the most important thing and many people make the mistake of feeding their subconscious mind at that last five minutes you know what with anger with frustration with jealousy with uncertainty with doubt and that is the biggest mistake if you have been doing this mistake my friend my dear dear dear awesome try you have to stop doing this you have to stop doing this this is the biggest this is I don't have what this is the biggest thing you can do for yourself.

5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep (Most Important Time)

What do you think 5 Minutes Before You Sleep

Because by default we have been programmed to do that thing and you think about it you can pause this content for a while and think about what are the things you think about just before going to sleep either you think about that bad job or the struggle that is happening in your job or studies in your life or having that bad relationship or who is jealous of you are who is not responding to you or any relationship that is not working or someone is dying from this was like this is the time of corona you may be getting lot of negative news so you are worried about that you are worried about many things so you keep on thinking or what usually some other people do to distract from this not to think about it they indulge in watching some news some webseries some movies something but only if it is a positive one still it is better than thinking this negative stuff but again because you are kind of in a negative state so bat that time you by default attracted to bore of negative things were more of negative videos even if you are watching some documentaries or movies it must be mostly filled with crying some negative stuff some negative experiences because that is only your vibration 

Why Night Time Before You Sleep is the Best Time

And if you keep feeding these negative things before going to see it your subconscious mind will process it all through the night and possession is 100 times faster and better then it does during the day because at night nothing else is happening your conscious self is shut down and only subconscious is active so whatever you feel that's what you will get in the morning and when you wake up in the morning you wake up grumpy you wake up angry where you you wake up frustrated you wake up sad and mostly the same thought is going inside and then you wonder like I should be positive right I should be happy right why my manifestations are not coming true my friend your vibration is already gone down you have squared your vibration and no matter how much you try you are not manifesting so there is a correlation to this in the IT world like if any of you are working in the IT industry or computer science or been an engineer you must have heard this Tom Kibo what is that garbage in garbage out so if in a program if the input are garbage is all the wrong stuff all the bad stuff then you cannot change the output the output will always be garbage so same thing the depo process worked for our subconscious mind if you feed garbage at night before going to sleep what you will get in your life garbage and here what is God with negativity frustration anger jealousy is uncertainty doubt.

Why Night Time Before You Sleep is the Best Time

Do This Every Night 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep

So what I want all of you to do is make this effort every night starting from today, make this effort of Y going to slave just for that five minutes, keep your phone aside, keep everything aside, and just before going to sleep, deliberately choose positive thoughts to choose happy thoughts deliberately choose nice thoughts if you can think about your present manifestation that how amazing it is that you are manifesting it that's great

Law of Attraction Sleep Technique and Affirmation

But maybe initially you won't be able to do it so think about all the positive things that you can think you can start seeing some I am affirmation or you say normally like you see I am healthy I am well I am positive oh you mean you can talk about anything that makes you feel positive maybe about your family member someone like I am thankful to God because my parents are healthy and thankful to God because my partner is healthy or alive and thankful to God because I have kids and thankful to God because I have a job or you start saying for yourself what does start with the positive state like I am well I am healthy I am fed I have a job I have money I have a house I have food I am prosperous I am loved I am beautiful and gorgeous I am positive I am happy and peaceful so you have to feel that last five minutes with that much of positivity and I can guarantee you you start doing this and within just three days you will see a shift in your thinking pattern and a shift in your positive vibration in the morning do it.

Share Your Results Tomorrow Morning

You will wake up with a lot of activity and peace tonight and tomorrow morning and have more energy in your body. Please do it for three days. You will see a major shift. Do it for seven days, you will see a lot bigger state, and then you slowly start focusing on your manifestation, so this is the most important thing. If you do it, you can start witnessing miracles happening in your life. I want all of you to do it and if this video is an eye-opener for you, if this video has inspired you, if this content has given you some deeper insight like it share it with someone you love, so I want you to do this tonight before going to sleep and tomorrow come back to this content and let me know what will be your filling in the morning when you wake up I am sure it will be a lot more positive and along with this.

Share Your Results Tomorrow Morning

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