Manifest Money Today - 2 Powerful Money Manifestation Techniques (Law of Attraction)

I'm going to give you two exercises or techniques today. But when it comes to attracting money and one of them is, of course, the account balance sheet that we'll talk about and the other one is the cheque visualization. So these two are pretty simple to do.

Account Balance Sheet 

The first one is you're going to go log on to your bank account online. OK, if you do net banking, all you can actually just go to the bank, your physical bank and get an account statement. OK, that statement could be of the latest month, or it could be any statement. It doesn't matter. But you need to have your closing balance on that statement. Closing balances. How much money is in your account?

Finally, right at this current point, what is the total amount of money in your account once? And you can also log on to your net banking, go to view account balance, click there and click on print this page and then it will give you a PDF which will have your entire account balance. And on the top, it would say closing balance with the total amount. You can then print out that page or go to your bank and print it out.

Manifest Money Today - 2 Powerful Money Manifestation Techniques (Law of Attraction)

It doesn't matter, but you can get yourself that account balance sheet with the closing balance written on it. Now you can print out once you do that or print the entire thing, it does not matter. Just having one sheet is enough. OK, all you're going to do is you can do the stories. You can take a white note and then blot out the closing balance and write out the balance you actually want in your account, which is how much money you actually want to have in your account.

That's what you will put in there. You can either physically write it down or the second option is you can take a screenshot of your closing balance and then using any form of software like Cannava, or you can use PowerPoint presentation or paint or anything and change that number literally like the white block on top of the closing balance. And on top of that, add the text of the number that you want, and then you're going to print out the statement, and you're going to put it on your vision board so you can see it consistently.

When you see this every day, and you see the closing balance being the number that you actually want your mind to begin to believe that it's yours, it's actually your reality. And that will change your biochemistry, that will change your energy. That will change what you attract. OK. Of course. Remember, you must also work towards that to pull out more products. But all of us help people with your work or study about the field that you're trying earn money. So that is one technique.

 cheque Visualization

The second one, of course, is to check. The check is simple. Take out your chequebook. Think of yourself a check for the measure of cash you need. Let's say one million dollars or one hundred thousand dollars. Take that check and then hold it physically in your hand. Close your eyes and visualize the fact that you've been given this check, OK, and that you are sitting with your friends and family. OK, so this technique with what Jack Dorsey spoke about this you visualizing yourself, sitting at your friends and family and talking about how you manifested this check, and now that you have this physical check in your hand, it gives you a physical prop to feel the feelings of having already achieved it.

Manifest Money Today - 2 Powerful Money Manifestation Techniques (Law of Attraction) cheque Visualization

This, again, changes your biochemistry and your energy and therefore attracts it into your life. So essentially, you have the check. You can even visualize taking that check and cashing it into the bank and then continue visualizing how your life would be. Now that you are spending that money, would you be investing in new land or property or housing or going on travels or putting your kids to a better school? That's totally up to you. OK, so you can visualize holding the check and then sitting with your friends and family and discussing how you actually manifested that. So it makes you feel like you actually have this real-life check that someone gave you for this much amount of this.

My Personal Technique 

In my technique here, you can simply hold this check, OK? And imagine you're walking up to the bank and giving this check to them and then it gets into your account and then visualize how you're spending it, feeling the feelings of having all this money to spend and feeling that gratitude of having spent all of this. So these are two techniques, guys.

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