Manifest Within 12 Hours (100% PROOF It Works) Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment✅


Earlier we have done law of attraction manifestation experiments for manifesting something within 24 hours 48 hours but today we are going to squeeze it the time and today we are going to do an experiment where you will be manifesting within 12 hours are you excited for it are you ready for it. I am sure you are and I'm so happy and excited to take all of you and this law of attraction test in this experiment which will really give you that confidence the drive that motivation that how powerfully you can manifest and how powerful your thoughts and feelings are so if you have tried the experiment that we have done last month the 24 hours manifestation manifesting that yellow duck and if you have done it if you have manifested it let me know right now in the comment section and let me know how fun it was and today we are ready for one more experiment.

Manifest Within 12 Hours (100% PROOF It Works)  Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment✅

Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment

Now let's dive into the experiment today today we are going to squeeze in the time to 12 hours so we'll focus and i want all of you to give it a try and see how many of you are manifesting this within 12 hours some of you may take little more time like 24 hours 48 hours it's absolutely fine 

Refining Your Law of Attraction Vibration

But this experiment is about not just about a manifestation but it's about refining your vibration so those of you who will be manifesting it fast manifesting it within maybe few minutes within an hour within two hours four hours your vibration is really getting aligned and refined that is the thing for you and those of you who will be taking little more time it means you have to refine your vibration so it is kind of not just a manifestation test for all of you it's kind of a test of your vibration what kind of vibration you are having what kind of refinement of your vibration is happening within you so that because the stronger the vibration the faster the manifestation no matter what you are manifesting you know this stronger the vibration faster the manifestation i am excited for today's manifestation i believe all of you are excited and if you are excited let me know in the comment section and post me the thumbs up that you are ready for it

Step By Step Manifestation Process

Now what we are going to do today here is the step by step process you will be following in this content or you can read this content right now and you can do this experiment later on sometime or you can watch it again when you will be doing the experiment but one thing you have to promise that you are going to come back to this content and share the result when you get itwhen you manifest it you have to come back and share it share it with me share it with the awesome drive because that's how we strengthen our vibration excited fantastic.

Manifest Within 12 Hours (100% PROOF It Works)  Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment✅

Manifest with 12 Hours Step 1

So here is what we are going to do first of all when you are going to do this experiment make sure you are at your home or somewhere where you are alone and no one will disturb you or maybe if you want to do it in a group of people you can do it like with your friends or family members but make sure everyone is aligned for this manifestation now this is the most interesting part if someone is very new to law of attraction or someone who has been believing and practicing law of attraction for 10 years still i want all of you to do it because it's the same process working for everyone all the time so what we are going to do in this manifestation what you are going to manifest you are today going to manifest a rainbow yes a rainbow 

Signs of Rainbow

Why we are manifesting this rainbow let me first tell you see rainbow signify few things rainbow is considered to be a sign of manifestation and why it is so because remember the light that we are seeing it has all the colors but when the rainbow forms after rain the rainbow refines all the colors that is inside the light it's like we have all the vibration all kind of vibration within us positive negative happy excited sad joy peaceful anxiety stress everything all kind of vibration are mixed up like the light but when we see a rainbow we see the rainbow in the refined form of all the colors inside the light all the colors are arranged in a particular beautiful form that is the significance of a rainbow so whenever we see a rainbow that is a sign of refined vibration a sign of refined energy a sign of pure energy so whenever even you are seeing rainbow normally whether in the sky or whether even if you see a picture of rainbow which actually makes you feel happy or joyful it's the same sign the sign of manifestation and at the same time sign of refined vibration so that is why when we are squeezing the time of manifestation to 12 hours today we are going to manifest rainbow are you excited for it how many of you love to see then go let me know in the comment section.

Manifest Within 12 Hours (100% PROOF It Works)  Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment✅

12 Hours Manifestation Technique

So what we are going to do sit comfortably or lie down comfortablyand right now you will be seeing a picture of a beautiful rainbow in the screen and look at this rainbow look at this rainbow and see how beautiful it is while looking at this rainbow and its beauty ask yourself what this rainbow signify for you what  is the significance of this rainbow to you is it a sign of manifestation for you is it a sign of beauty is it a sign of the nature is it refinement of vibration or it is just a sign of absolute excitement and happiness ask yourself and go deep into that feeling by looking at this rainbow and when you feel that happy and excitement or that joy or that peace look at all the colors 

Close Your Eyes and Visualise

And now i want you to close your eyesclose your eyes while listening to my voice and imagine this rainbow in your head imagine this rainbow imagine this rainbow in the sky imagine this beautiful rainbow and focus on every single color the beauty of this rainbow look at the sky behind it if you want you can imagine few birds in the sky if you want you can imagine you can hear those sounds you can feel that joy imagine as happily as you can and while imagining this rainbow know that this rainbow is a sign of manifestation for you this rainbow is itself a manifestation and at the same time this rainbow is giving you the sign of your bigger manifestation this rainbow is signifying that your vibrations are getting refined this rainbow is giving you that energy that your vibration are getting aligned and you are manifesting now smile while imagining this rainbow now in some of your imagination the imagination must be fading away and coming back again it's absolutely fine it's not necessary that the same variation will last all this time now while imagining this rango feel as much joy you can feel and while keeping your eyes closed now you ask the universe that universe i am ready to manifest this rainbow within next 24 hours i'm aligned my vibrations are aligned i'm positive i'm happy and i'm excited and show me this rainbow within next 24 hours show me this rainbow within next 24 hours because my vibrations are aligned and when you'll be showing this rainbow to me i know that that you are going to even manifest my biggest desire this manifestation of this rainbow will be a sign for me that my biggest desires are coming true thank you thank you thank you universe i trust you and i am manifesting this rainbow within next 12 hours thank you take a deep breath exhale and now you open your eyes now how was your experience i'm sure you had a peaceful and joyful experience first let me know how was your experience in the comment section

How was your experience

Right now and if you could able to see that rainbow if you could able to feel that joy if you could able to see that beautiful sky the way you have imagined be happy and know that this manifestation is coming true now all of you are going to manifest it most of you are going to manifest it within just couple of hours before even 12 hours the moment you see it come back to this content and let me know in the comment section it's done and you have manifested the rainbow you can follow me on instagram and share the picture of the rainbow over there now some of you may be thinking that are you going to see the real rainbow in the sky or if you see that rainbow then only it will be a manifestation the answer is no if whether you will see this rainbow in the sky within next 12 hours that will be a manifestation or whether you are going to see a picture of a rainbow somewhere which looks like the way you have imagined if it is like that and the moment you see it and you feel that joy and happiness then the manifestation is done because this rainbow is a sign for you and it is a manifestation for you that is telling you that your vibrations are aligned your vibrations are in sync your vibration are refined and the manifestation is coming true so now it's time for you to go ahead in the day you are excited not to worry about it not to doubt it and go and manifest it and whenever you manifest like the way you have promised come back and share the result now if this video has give you that excitement then do share it with someone who believe in the law of attraction maybe you can share it in a group whatsapp group telegram group or with people facebook group and ask all the people who believe in the law of attraction to give it a try and see the power of manifestation.

Manifest Within 12 Hours (100% PROOF It Works)  Law of Attraction Manifestation Experiment✅

Key to Law of Attraction manifestation

Many times people when they want to manifest something they just focus on the biggest thing but they forget about the vibration they forget about the refining the vibration so from time to time we need to keep testing keep doing this kind of experiments so that we know that our vibration are aligned and if you can manifest this rainbow then even you can manifest your biggest desire what do you need for that that alignment with that desire that refinement of your vibration that aligned with that right vibration so the same process will work for bigger manifestation so my friend you can manifest it let's do it and share the result.

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